With the current vision and technique of sex it is very difficult to maintain an ongoing sexual relationship.
There is simply not enough value for partners to feel true enrichment. Current sex paradigm offers physical pleasure, fun and excitement but it is not enough.
Partners often don’t feel a greater journey together, love and connection in sex, true closeness and intimacy, a powerful nourishment that they would expect from sex, or any genuine emotional variety and creativity in sex.
This makes it difficult to maintain an interest in being together physically.
What is needed is a greater practice that will give greater value.
In addition, the current practice of sex is built on unsustainable principles. It is not possible to have sex in the long term with such difficult, draining and non-regenerative practice. This is the reason sexual attraction disappears.
The view of sex in our culture is only of the initial hot explosive sex with a new person, which partners are meant to simulate later for the rest of their life. This kind of sex soon doesn’t work and doesn’t provide for your true needs.